Call for Papers
Important Dates (Anywhere on Earth)
Normal Submission deadline: April 8, 2024
Resubmission deadline (see details in New in 2024): April 20, 2024
Notification: May 15, 2024
Normal Submission
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12 pages, excluding references and the front page(s) (authors, affiliation, keywords, abstract, ...), presenting original research on the theory of computer science. Technical details necessary for a proper scientific evaluation of a submission must be included in the 12-page submission or in a clearly labelled appendix, to be consulted at the discretion of program committee members. Authors are encouraged to also make full versions of their submissions freely accessible in an online repository such as ArXiv, HAL, ECCC.
Submissions must be formatted in the LNCS style. All submission must be submitted via EasyChair to the appropriate track of the conference, using the following link:
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be available for distribution at the conference. The use of pdflatex and the LNCS style is mandatory: papers that deviate significantly from the required format may be rejected without consideration of merit. No prior publication and no simultaneous submission to other conferences are allowed.
Without reviews from a sister conference or the (weak) majority of the reviews being negative, a paper cannot be submitted as a resubmission as shown below in *New in 2024* and should be submitted on or before April 8, 2024.
The paper may be excluded from the proceedings if none of the authors attends the conference.
The following tracks are open to submission this year:
Track A: The 18th Conference on Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom
Track B: Blockchain Theory and Technology
Track C: Computational Economics and Algorithmic Game Theory
The Best Paper Award will be presented to the author(s) of the best paper at IJTCS-FAW 2024. The Best Student Paper Award will be presented to the author(s) of the best paper whose authors are all full time students at IJTCS-FAW 2024.
New in 2024
This year, we introduce a special opportunity for authors whose submissions were previously rejected from sister conferences that sent out notification emails between January 1, 2024 and April 20, 2024 (such as EUROCRYPT 2024, ICALP 2024, IJCAI 2024, FUN 2024, SPAA 2024, WWW 2024, etc). This unique opportunity allows authors to resubmit their work to IJTCS-FAW with a later deadline (April 20, 2024) and a lighter review process. Authors are required to update their manuscripts, addressing the comments provided by previous reviewers, and adapt them to adhere to the style guidelines of IJTCS-FAW. All submitted material will undergo a check with the sister conference and will be reviewed by members of the IJTCS-FAW program committee.
Submission Requirements:
All resubmissions must be based on a rejected submission from a sister conference with notification between January 1, 2024 and April 20, 2024, and the (weak) majority of the review must be non-negative.
The submission is relevant to one of three submission tracks.
Authors must submit in one PDF document:
their original submission to the sister conference;
all review scores and reviews (including the meta-review) from the sister conference;
the IJTCS-FAW submission (that is, the revised submission), in the same format and with the same restrictions as were required for submissions to IJTCS-FAW;
an at most one-page long cover letter that describes how the IJTCS-FAW submission addresses the comments in the previous reviews, and a concise statement of why the submission is relevant for one of the three tracks A, B, and C of IJTCS-FAW.
Special Issue
After the conference, selected papers will be invited to special issues in: Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Blockchain Journal, and Theory of Computing Systems.

All the authors with accepted papers must sign and submit the copyright form.